Teach Me To Pray

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Matthew 6:5-10

Big Idea: God’s loving holiness empowers me to approach Him in prayer with unshakeable confidence

Jesus Teaches Me to Pray:

1) With the Correct Motivation (V. 5-9)

5 Heart Checks: Am I Praying….
1) Sincerely (V. 5)
2) Consistently (V. 6)
3) Dependently (V. 5-7)
4) Straightforwardly (V. 7)
5) Relationally (V. 7-9)

2) With the Correct Mindset (V. 9-10)

3 Prayers That Will Change My Life:
1) God, may your name be revered as holy (V. 9)
2) God, may your kingdom be advanced (V. 10)
3) God, may your will be done (V. 10)