Living With Biblical Conviction In A Compromised Culture


Nehemiah 13:1-31

Big Idea: True satisfaction is only experienced through living with conviction for God from a heart of adoration to God

3 Keys To Living With Biblical Conviction:
1. Read God’s Word Faithfully And Obey It (v. 1-14)

Potential Potholes:
1) Displaced Loyalty
2) Warped Notion Of Superiority
3) False Sense Of Security
4) Distorted Reality
5) Misplaced Priority

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.”
- Proverbs 3:5-6

2. Confront Sin Immediately And Remove It (v. 4-31)

How To Shed Sin & Find Satisfaction In God:
1) Realize I have it and am susceptible to it
2) Own It and identify it
3) Repent of it
4) Do whatever it takes to remove it
5) Feast On God’s Word so there is no room for it
6) Guard my heart against it

3. Trust In God’s Steadfast Love Completely And Anchor My Hope In It (v. 14; 22; 31)