Hope In The Fire

1 Peter 1:3-9

Big Idea: We Have Hope In The Fire Because We Have Been Born For Glory, Kept For Glory, And Prepared For Glorious Joy

Three things that give us hope in the midst of the fire...

1. A Guaranteed Inheritance (v. 3-5)

a. Our Inheritance is Prepared (v. 3)
b. Our Inheritance is Perfect (v. 4)
c. Our Inheritance is Protected (v. 5)

2. Genuine Faith (v. 6-7)

3. Glorious Joy (v. 8-9)

a. Love Christ
b. Trust Christ

“No man shall ever behold the glory of Christ by sight in heaven who does not, in some measure, behold it by faith in this world.”
- John Owen

c. Receive from Christ

“If we love him, trust him, and rejoice in him, then we can receive from him all that we need to turn trials into triumphs.”
- Warren Wiersbe